How Your Website Can Give Your Users an Impression That Lasts

By Matt Partridge

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With hundreds of millions of websites online as you read this, you have an overwhelming choice when it comes to searching for your chosen subject. So many websites are trying to grab your attention with their content. How many of these websites have quality content? Certainly not all of them.

With the internet being such a crowded place, it can be difficult to grab somebody’s attention. It can be quite easy to fall into the trap of shouting. You might get carried away slapping ‘SPECIAL OFFER’, ‘SALE’ & ‘LOOK HERE’ banners all over your site. Of course, these kinds of features have their place but covering your site in them is going to make a visitor blind to such things.

Where it matters most is when your competition makes mistakes with overwhelming amounts of information and a cluttered website you should be keeping things simple, make it a pleasure for your audience to glide through your website to find it easy to locate all of the information they need as quickly as possible. Leaving a positive impact on your visitors is always going to compel them to return again and again.

Here are a few tips to get your customers coming back for more.

Consider The 80/20 Rule of Thumb

By this, we mean that you balance your website with 80% good quality, consistent and industry-relevant images with 20% well-written copy. Over time people have become more and more time-poor along with attention spans, well going down the pan. The human mind craves anything visually pleasing, anything that stimulates feelings and can be quickly processed. This is where imagery works wonders, it can be processed quicker than any text. Consider that the average attention span is around the eight-second mark you need to ensure your copywriter keeps the copy to the point and focused at the subject at hand. A great way to prove whether a shorter page converts better than a longer page containing streams of text is to split test it, something we can help you with.

Make Sure Your Website Works on All Devices

You may be amazed how many companies still don’t get it right for mobile. Complicated checkout processes, really slow loading pages and difficulty navigating a site are all obstacles that are more than likely persuade any customer to bounce and try somewhere else. If you really want to nail a checkout process on all devices, especially mobile then you are going to have to hire the professionals. Here at Abstraction, we have the experience and technical ability to offer your customers a fully responsive, delightful experience and in turn, coming back again and again

Keep it Simple, Don’t Complicate Things

Again, with the average user having such a short attention span you want to get them to what they are looking for as quickly as possible. After all the average user spends less than one minute on a website. Ensuring that your site isn’t cluttered with irrelevant information and making sure your main navigation is easy to digest will ensure your visitors can find what they need efficiently. To really get your website giving a lasting impression you might want to hire a professional marketing business like us. We always find that ROI is beneficial to our customers when they hire us to improve their websites.

Web Design Blog Author

Article Written by Matt Partridge
Web Developer & Digital Marketing Specialist

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